Welcome to sillysite :D

Im a silly dude and my brain is rotting from all the coding, but yk i want my own website cus thats cool af. Sillysite will mainly be about organizing my ocs and thoughts.
I suppose i should introduce myself a little :)

So im a trans dude from sweden. I use he/him pronouns, and kinda wanna try out neopronouns.
Generation loss
Mcyt, dsmp, qsmp etc.
The stanley parable
Road 96
Music (i really enjoy playing guitar hihihi)

Ill also start with thanking my brother who helped me a lot with the coding etc :) the link to his website will be in the links folder thingy in the menu

okay so ill do a rundown on what everything in the menu leads to. "home :3" is the page you are currently on, here theres some information about me and other stuff :D then we have "characters >:D", here ill store all my ocs and everyone who wants to can read THE LORE *eagle noises*, so yea...ocs. after we have "gallery :O", this is where my non oc art will be, this will most likely only be fanart since thats kinda the only thing i draw. next is "SHRINES AHHHHH" which will be shrines (wow what a surprise). after that we got the "links :)", ill post links to my socials, websites i like, my brothers website etc. just links i enjoy, ill probably post a wiki there too or smth. then we got the "extras :P", this is stuff that dont count into any other category. so for example ill post blinkies i like here, maybe my wardrobe, and just other extra stuff :))))) end of rundown YIPPIEEE